
You can download our Interactive Conference Program pdf.(Last updated 16 October 2019) We recommend using Adobe Acrobat Reader or Adobe Acrobat Pro to view its interactivity. If you have an iPhone or iPad, you could download the Adobe Acrobat Reader for PDF.

Pre-conference workshops - 27 October

Location: Australian Centre Christianity and Culture

A Day of pre-conference workshops with Professor John Swinton, Rev Professor Elizabeth MacKinlay and Professor Bruce A. Stevens.

The official welcome reception is at 5.30pm-7pm that night.

Day 1 - 28 October

Location: Old Parliament House

Day 1 of the conference will feature Keynote addresses from Professor John Swinton and Dr Robyn Wrigley-Carr.

Day 2 - 29 October

Location: Old Parliament House

Day 2 of the conference will feature keynote addresses from Rev Professor Elizabeth MacKinlay and Professor Kalyani Mehta.

Day 3 - 30 October

Location: Old Parliament House

The final session will include a Keynote address from Dr Richard Egan and an interfaith panel discussion before Professor Bruce A. Stevens concludes the conference as host.