University Strategy 2030

The Charles Sturt University Strategy 2030 provides our pathway to achieving our Vision - Australia's leading regional university, committed to advancing the careers of our students, inspiring research excellence, and driving regional outcomes with global impact.

Message from the Vice-Chancellor

The University Strategy 2030 was launched in July 2021 and articulates Charles Sturt's Vision, Ethos, Strategic Goals and Focus Areas for the coming years and will set the foundation for our success.  Considerable steps have already been undertaken to achieve our Vision.

We will achieve our vision through the following:

  • Strategic partnering with industry, government and our communities to focus on key areas in research.
  • Providing excellence in teaching and graduate employment outcomes.
  • Supporting our staff and promoting an inclusive, equitable and healthy culture.
  • Engaging with First Nations and promoting cultural safety for all.

We are excited about our future because we know what we do will help us contribute to the public good and support our students and regions to thrive.

Professor Renée Leon PSM

Vice-Chancellor and President
Charles Sturt University

Professor Renée Leon PSM

Our ethos – Yindyamarra Winhanganha

This Wiradjuri phrase – meaning ‘the wisdom of respectfully knowing how to live well in a world worth living in’ – underpins everything we do.

Yindyamarra Winhanganha is our ethos and guiding principle. It is about creating a world worth living in.

From our courses and student experience, our research and industry partnerships, to our community engagement, social responsibility and sustainability initiatives, we strive to make a difference.

We empower the leaders of tomorrow through innovative education and applied research, and we have a strong commitment to learning from and working with Australia’s First Nations people.

Together, let’s create a world worth living in.

Our vision

Australia’s leading regional university, advancing the careers of our students, inspiring research excellence and driving regional outcomes with global impact.

In 2020, extensive internal and external consultations took place involving over 500 participants to craft a new vision and strategic focus areas for the University. In July 2021, the University Council committed to and approved the above Vision and following Strategic Goals:

By 2030 we will:

  • Have maintained the University's position in the top five of Australian universities for graduate outcomes based on employment and salary.
  • Have embedded a culture of excellence across all aspects of the university's operations.
  • Have a research, development, innovation and entrepreneurship portfolio focused primarily on high impact outcomes for rural and regional Australia.
  • Be socially, academically, environmentally and financially responsible for our University and to our stakeholders, and generate a positive operating margin for re-investment into the University.

Our Strategy at Charles Sturt

Our University Strategy 2030 is bold and transformative. It commits us to excellence to meet our vision with purpose. It gives us the direction to grow our impact and to be a leading university at the heart of positive progress.

Download our University Strategy 2030

Our four strategic focus areas



Connecting our students with the knowledge and wisdom to shape the world.

  • Sector-leading course profile.
  • Designing leading-edge learning experiences.
  • Excellence in teaching and graduate outcomes.
  • Supporting student pathways for aspiration, equity and diversity.


Collaborating with our partners on research with impact.

  • Building world class research institutes.
  • Supporting and delivering excellence in research.
  • Establishing enduring partnerships for societal and commercial impact.
  • Developing next generation leading scholars and researchers.


Supporting, empowering and inspiring our people to deliver excellence.

  • Creating opportunities for our people to excel.
  • Developing capability and recognising achievements.
  • Building and planning for the future.
  • Promoting a healthy, equitable and inclusive culture.
Social responsibility

Social responsibility

Engaging regionally and globally to drive sustainable prosperity.

  • Supporting vibrant communities and regional development.
  • Strong industry, government and community partnerships.
  • Environmental and financial sustainability.
  • First Nations engagement and cultural safety.
First Nations

First Nations

Woven through the entire strategy is a commitment to improve First Nations education, research and engagement and to drive shared ownership for outcomes.

Enabling our people

Enabling our people

To deliver on our University Strategy 2030 we need the right environment with the appropriate support so everyone can excel. Enabler strategies work hand in hand with the four strategic focus areas to support successful progress and change.

Strategy in action

You can find our most recent stories of how we are actively delivering on our University Strategy 2030.

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