Fees and charges

Fees can be paid to the Centre by:

  • Direct Debit: our Centre uses Childcare EasyPay for payments to be paid by Direct Debit. See the EasyPay website for more information.
  • Payroll Deduction and Salary Sacrifice: please contact Charles Sturt's Finance division if you are a current University staff member

2024 fees

  • 0-2 year olds - $140 per day
  • 2-3 year olds - $135 per day
  • 3-5 year olds - $130 per day

Child Care Subsidy

Child Care Subsidy (CCS) is a payment made to families to assist with the costs of childcare.

CCS is calculated on the family’s taxable income. Families who wish to claim CCS should apply to the Family Assistance

Office prior to or within 28 days of their child starting care.

  1. The minimum daily charge for care/education is based on a minimum 10 hour day.
  2. Fees will be charged for public holidays that fall during the year (except Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year's Day which fall when the Centre is not operating).
  3. Full fees will be payable when a child is absent from the Centre because of illness, holidays or occasional absences.We do appreciate a phone call letting us know if your child will be absent on their booked day.
  4. Families who wish to use or hold a place at the Centre must pay full fees from the day the Centre opens in January to the day it closes in December.
  5. At least two week's notice must be given if a child is to be withdrawn permanently; otherwise fees will be charged.
  6. Families are eligible to apply for Child Care Benefit through the Family Assistance Office.