Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture

Hundreds attend Christian-Islam interfaith events

14 Sep 2015 - by

The ACC&C's recent interfaith discussion 'Can Christianity and Islam co-exist?' proved popular with audiences in Adelaide and Canberra, with hundreds turning out in those cities to hear from eminent public scholars Rev Prof James Haire AC and Prof Azyumardi Azra CBE.

The national dialogue was held in five capital cities and one major regional NSW city to promote fresh understanding of how people of different faiths and cultures can grow together in understanding and appreciation of one another.

ACC&C Executive Director Rt Rev'd Prof Stephen Pickard said it was pleasing to see the events so well-attended.

"Across each of the cities in which we hosted the event, our cumulative audience was nearly 1,000 people," said Prof Pickard. "The topic clearly resonated with many in the context of current world events."

To read an account of the Adelaide event, click here. Or you can listen to a podcast of the Adelaide event here.

To read an account of the Canberra event, click here.