Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture

Webinar: Racism and Dialogue - Conversations on Racism. Now Available on Youtube

23 Jul 2020 - by

This is now available to watch on YouTube.

Join Bluestar Intercultural Centre and the Australian Centre for Christianity & Culture for an online conversation on racism and dialogue. 7-8pm tonight. The panel will be Professor Fethi Mansouri, Rev Karen Kime and Shifra Joseph with Professor Stephen Pickard as Facilitator.

Interfaith and Intercultural Dialogue Initiatives are organised to promote tolerance and diversity. They celebrate difference and look for commonalities in humanity. These initiatives are to be celebrated and promoted, but it is also important to ask, do these initiatives and events explore real problems and issues such as Racism? Do they engage in difficult or uncomfortable topics, or are they increasingly becoming out of touch with the changing world around them?

Join our panel for a conversation on Racism and Dialogue initiatives, how they contribute to discussions on Race and Discrimination and what they can do to better tackle these issues

For more information and registration see the Eventbrite page.