Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture

Labyrinth in the Canberra Times Article "Politics, echidna and a place to reflect"

13 May 2022 - by

The ACC&C Labyrinth has received a mention in the Canberra Time's article: 'The Pricklier Side of Present Politics' by columnist Ian Warden. The light-hearted article on the current Australian election, culminates with the author sitting on the central stone of our labyrinth and finding that; "Suddenly, there on this rock of ages (2.8 billion years!) the true, inconsequential, ephemeral frothiness and bubbliness of this federal election was revealed and the grubby porn of it all was vanquished by a pure, chaste, cleansing realisation of Time's everlasting apolitical stream."

Read the full article in the Canberra Times here