Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture

Professor Anthony Maher at Nan Tien Monastery

08 Dec 2022 - by

In the picture: ACC&C board member Very Reverend Fr Dr Shenouda Mansour, Venerable Miao Yiu and ACC&C Executive Director Professor Anthony Maher

Recently, ACC&C Executive Director Professor Anthony Maher and ACC&C board member Very Reverend Fr Dr Shenouda Mansour, visited Nan Tien Monastery in Woolongon NSW, on behalf of the New South Wales Ecumenical Commission.

Peace through new religious engagements is one of the ACC&C's Four Pillars.

"The ecumenical and interfaith dimensions of this pillar encourage new religious engagements which are focused on achievements, rather than simply dialogue. It is not simply for the sake of better understanding that we pursue religious dialogue and peace. Our attention is always wider involving the social, political and economic horizons of our society. Religious dialogue and the pursuit of things that make for peace are societal tasks and responsibilities for the wellbeing of civil society. Through engagement participants are stretched towards a concern for the common good."