Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture

Centre for Ecumenical Studies

The Centre for Ecumenical Studies is established within Charles Sturt University and the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture. The Honorary Director of CES is Bishop Philip Huggins.

The purpose of the CES is set out in the following statement of aims and objectives:


  1. To enhance the ecumenical life of the Churches.
  2. To provide a focal point for teaching, study and research in the diverse aspects of ecumenism.
  3. To promote the development of a theology of Communion and Reconciliation, especially in the context of Australia, the Pacific and Asia.
  4. To impart the ecumenical vision, especially to potential leaders within the Church.
  5. To liaise with similar bodies nationally and internationally.


  1. To develop a program of education in ecumenism designed specifically for ordained and lay people in leadership in the Christian Church, especially for those in local parish communities.
  2. To build on the ecumenical context for the teaching of theology by providing a focus for the intentional exploration and study of the major questions and insights of the ecumenical movement, thereby cultivating a creative inter-relationship between the study of ecumenics and other theological disciplines.
  3. To explore the nature of reconciliation within the wholeness of the ecumenical vision, with a specific focus on its meaning and implications for the Churches and relationships with the wider Australian community.

CES Roundtable Conversations

The Centre promoted a series of high level conversations among church leaders and theologians involved in ecumenism from 2017 to 2018. The purpose is to explore the horizons against which a new ecumenism is emerging. The Centre held its third Ecumenical Roundtable on Monday, 29 May 2017. You can read Revd Dr Ray Williamson OAM report on the event titled Luther at 500: Taking the Ecumenical Pulse. The fourth Ecumenical Roundtable was held on Monday 14 May 2018 and the topic was 'We intend to stay together: 70 Years of the World Council of Churches. Read David Gill's address called 'Australian Churches Engagement with the WCC'.

CES Support and Supervision

The Centre for Ecumenical Studies also offers advice, support and supervision for students undertaking a Masters (Research) degree or doctorate in areas of research relating to ecumenics and/or relating to relevant issues of ecclesiology.

CES Resources and Essays