Modern Slavery

Modern slavery denies millions of people around the world their basic human rights. It’s a pressing issue that could be much closer to home than you realise – affecting the clothes we wear, the food we consume, and even the technology we use.

At Charles Sturt University, we strongly believe in upholding human rights. Our commitment to ethical practices means we want to ensure that our university and our partners are free from modern slavery.

In support of this, we have produced the Modern Slavery Statement setting out the steps we have taken, and are planning to take, to ensure we prevent and do not contribute to acts of modern slavery with our supply chains and operations.

Charles Sturt University's commitment to preventing modern slavery extends to ensuring everyone working in Australia or planning to work here is aware of their rights relating to minimum wages, work conditions, and treatment at work.

Forms of modern slavery include:

  • Human trafficking: The illegal transport or trade of people against their will for exploitation.
  • Forced labour: Work that someone is forced to do under threats, coercion, or deception.
  • Servitude: When a person is treated as someone else's property and forced to work.

Victims of modern slavery might try to stay hidden, but we can help them by knowing what to look for:

  • Restricted freedom of movement
  • Signs of anxiety, fear, or intimidation
  • Unsafe or exploitative work conditions
  • Poor living arrangements

Know your rights and protections

Supply chains and economic responsibility

We recognise that sometimes the items we buy (like electronics or uniforms) could originate in places where modern slavery is a risk.

Charles Sturt is focused on being aware of these risks and working with groups like the Australian Universities Procurement Network (AUPN) to do better. To do this, we are actively involved in:

  • Identifying the risks: We want to help identify which of our suppliers might be most at risk of involvement in modern slavery.
  • Talking to suppliers: We are updating contracts and processes to include questions about potential modern slavery practices.
  • Training staff: Everyone at Charles Sturt will learn more about modern slavery and how to spot it.
  • Responsible investing: We are developing guidelines to ensure that money from donations and research funding comes from reliable sources and is used ethically.

We are also developing ways for staff, students and the public to report any incidents relating to modern slavery anonymously.

Other resources and support

Together, we can create a better world. Charles Sturt isn't just about getting a degree; it's about making a positive impact. By standing together, we can put an end to modern slavery and build a world where everyone enjoys the freedom and dignity they deserve.