About us

Community Engagement cultivates strong, relevant and collaborative partnerships designed to promote higher education opportunity and research excellence through Charles Sturt University and community engagement.

Community Engagement is responsible for:

  • Representing Charles Sturt University's community interests in each campus region through the Directors of External Engagement;
  • Supporting the development of Charles Sturt University's regions through the Community-University Partnerships (CUP) Community Grants program. Grants to Indigenous, cultural, educational, sporting and related activities aim to build higher education aspiration and awareness among young people in our communities;
  • Bringing speakers from diverse disciplines to share the latest ideas, thinking and opinions on contemporary social, scientific and cultural issues with our communities through the Explorations Series;
  • Seeking opportunities to bring conferences and events to Charles Sturt University regions to bring new knowledge and opportunities to our communities;
  • Promoting opportunities for our communities to use Charles Sturt University services such as our Community Dental and Oral Health Clinics and Community Engagement and Wellness Centre;
  • Growing community understanding about the impact of Charles Sturt University on the social, economic and environmental outcomes of our communities;
  • Working together with communities to promote regional development and deliver mutually beneficial outcomes; and
  • Growing community understanding about the impact of Charles Sturt University on the social, economic and environmental outcomes of our communities.
The Community Engagement Team can be contacted on details below:
  • Office of Government Relations and Regional Engagement
    NamePosition Contact Details
    Ms Priscilla Dunn Head of Communications and Government Relations government@csu.edu.au
    Dr Robert O'ConnorPublic Policy SpecialistPhone:  (02)  6272 6337
    Email:  rooconnor@csu.edu.au
    Ms Lisa Stout

    Government and Community Engagement Coordinator

    Phone: +61 421 573 644
    Email: lstout@csu.edu.au
    Ms Joanna KimberGovernment and Community OfficerPhone: +61 488 226 454
    Email: government@csu.edu.au
  • Directors of External Engagement
    NamePositionContact Details
    Ms Julia Andrews Director, External Engagement (Bathurst & Orange) Phone: (02) 6365 7500
    Email:  juandrews@csu.edu.au
    Ms Kate Wood-Foye Director, External Engagement (Port Macquarie) Phone: (02) 6582 9414
    Email: kwoodfoye@csu.edu.au
    Mr James McKechnieDirector, External Engagement (Dubbo)Phone: (02) 6885 7441
    Email: jamckechnie@csu.edu.au
    Mr David BardosDirector, External Engagement (Albury-Wodonga & Wagga Wagga) Phone: (02) 6933 4128
    Email: dbardos@csu.edu.au
  • Community Relations Officers
    NamePositionContact Details
    Ms Kendell LawsonCommunity Relations Officer (Dubbo)
    Tuesday & Thursday
    Phone: (02) 6885 7370
    Email: engagedubbo@csu.edu.au
    Ms Jaclyn UnderwoodCommunity Relations Officer (Bathurst and Orange)

    Phone:  (02) 6338 4218
    Email: engagebathurst@csu.edu.au


    Email: engageorange@csu.edu.au

    Ms Taryn KnaggeCommunity Relations Officer (Albury-Wodonga & Wagga Wagga)
    Monday - Thursday
    Phone: (02) 6933 4020
    Ms Karen  FaichneyCommunity Relations Officer (Port Macquarie)Phone:  02 6582 9379
    Email:  engageportmacquarie@csu.edu.au