Our Reconciliation Action Plan

Charles Sturt University seeks to formalise its reconciliation journey with the establishment of a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). We see this RAP as a means by which we can demonstrate leadership for tangible change in First Nations tertiary education, research, employment, and governance.

This RAP will assist us to build understanding and respect, play a leadership role in transforming attitudes and create a workplace culture that values and respects First Nations knowledge, perspectives, and ways of knowing, being and doing.

There has been a clear theme of feedback that it is better to reflect on our current context and move forward slowly and with deep listening given the changes in our people and our overall environment. This is aligned to the university’s ethos of yindyamarra winhanganha which means the wisdom of respectfully knowing how to live well in a world worth living in.

In view of this, our reconciliation plan requires us to stop and reflect on achievements to develop the next phase of our journey.

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For many years, Charles Sturt University has communicated and demonstrated a firm commitment to working with First Nations peoples, communities and stakeholders. We take our formal reconciliation journey very seriously, investing time in considering the most appropriate way forward. As such, we are starting with a Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan to balance our eagerness to make a public commitment to reconciliation, with the need to allow time for ongoing dialogue with our local communities, staff and students.

We will also launch our First Nations Strategy 2023-2025, with our commitments helping shape our path towards an Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan and we look forward to moving through the stages as part of our long-term commitment to reconciliation.

Professor Renée Leon PSM
Vice-Chancellor and President

renee leon