Bathurst Campus John Oxley Village Refurbishment Stage 1

Project Snapshot

  • Location: Bathurst
  • Cost: $2,200,000
  • Estimated Completion date:
    April 2019
  • Contact: Emma McCormick & Jim Marks
  • Category: Student Experience
Bathurst B1346 JOV


John Oxley Village (JOV) Refurbishment Stage 1 is a project that responds to changes in student demand to a 'share house' style self-catered accommodation with living, dining and study spaces similar to that of a home.

Design Features

Stage 1 of the project includes the refurbishment of 4 huts (1346, 1347, 1354, 1355) to group application share house accommodation for returning students in groups of 9.

The refurbishment of JOV commons in the central heart of the precinct - to provide passive and active recreational activities, and common laundry with drying court.

Building 1346 encompasses:

  • a study hub for ResLife Learning Living environments within the village;
  • landscaping enhancement within the precinct, and
  • connectivity back to campus.

Sustainability Features

  • LED lights throughout
  • Energy efficient appliances
  • Water efficient landscaping