An Evening with Clive Hamilton - Living Hot: Surviving and Thriving on a Heating Planet

Start: Feb 20, 2025 5:30 pm
End: Feb 20, 2025 7:30 pm


Join prominent Australian academic and scholar Clive Hamilton, Professor of Public Ethics at Charles Sturt University in Canberra as he discusses his latest book: Living Hot.

Living Hot tells the blunt truth about our current climate change predicament: dangerous warming is inevitable and there’s little we in Australia can do about it. So it’s time to get cracking on making Australia resilient to intensifying climate extremes. If we prepare well, we can give ourselves a fighting chance to preserve some of the best of what we have, build stronger and fairer communities, find a path through the escalating pressures of a warming world.

To start the evening Clive will stimulate a fascinating conversation about the fate of our planet followed by a panel discussion tackling the overwhelming question of our era: what must we do if we want to survive and even thrive on our heating planet?

There will be opportunity for Q&A followed by drinks (at bar prices) and canapes.


CD Blake Lecture Theatre, Building 751, Charles Sturt University, Thurgoona

Proudly supported by Sustainability at Charles Sturt University
