20th Gender and Education Association Conference

Start: 17 Jun 2024
End: 20 Jun 2024
Port Macquarie

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Be The Change!

The 20th International Gender and Education Association (GEA) conference will be hosted by Charles Sturt University and held at the Charles Sturt campus at Port Macquarie, Australia from 17-20 June 2024.

The conference theme ‘Be the change’ aims to be a catalyst for discussion and action to redress global and institutional inequality through the power of education and knowledge.

The conference seeks to bring together education practitioners from all levels of education, activists, academics, students, community members and leaders, artists, researchers, lawmakers, policymakers, and media to explore the need for change for diversity and inclusion, positionality, and redressing inequalities through both intersectionality and a gendered lens.

Project leads and conference co-chairs: Associate Professor Cate Thomas, School of Social Work and Arts and Kate Wood-Foye, Director of External Engagement (Port Macquarie).

For Further information: GEA2024@csu.edu.au

GEA CSU - card

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