Ruth Whyte Memorial Bequest Grant Application Form

Please be advised that you are required to have all necessary application information prepared before beginning the submission process, as it is not possible to save your progress within the application form.

If your project has already commenced or will be completed before May 2024 you are unable to apply. Applications must be for projects within the current calendar year otherwise they will be ineligible.

If you require any assistance during this process, please email

Eligibility questions
If you answered 'no'  your application is ineligible
Applicant Details
Project Details
(Please note: dot points are acceptable - maximum characters is 1000)
Maximum characters 1000
Maximum characters 1000
This it the total cost of the project including the Ruth Whyte Memorial Bequest grant
Please provide details of the total cost of the project and a detailed budget. This can be uploaded as an attachment or entered below. As part of the assessment of the application a budget must be provided.
Your file can be a word document, PDF or Excel
Maximum characters 1000
Example: Acknowledgement of grant in newsletter and on social media page.
Confirmation of submitting application
Confirmation of submitting application. * Please select all responses below in order for your application to be successfully submitted.