Our policies

The policy library is the sole authoritative source of official academic and administrative policies, procedures, guidelines, rules and regulations of the University.

The policy library has been developed to provide easy access for students, staff and other stakeholders to current and past University rules, policies, procedures and guidelines.

A-Z list of our policies

A-Z list of our policies

You can browse our policies in an A-Z list.

Search our policies

Search our policies

Policies can also be found by using the search facility.

Other policy links

Includes resources for policy developers, FAQS, bulletin board, administrator login etc..

Delegation schedules

Delegation schedules

You can browse our delegations.

Search delegation holders

Search delegation holders

Delegations can also be found using this search facility.

Other delegation links

Other delegation links

Includes other resources relevant to our delegation module.

Bulletin board

Bulletin board

The bulletin board provides access to policies available for feedback and comment.

Committee M&ToRs

Committee M&ToRs

The University's membership and terms of reference page - listed according to committee levels.

Enquiry information

Enquiry information

If you need help with a policy, email the Policy System Officer in the Office of Governance and Corporate Administration at policy@csu.edu.au.