Other Portraits

Portrait of J.S. Hagan by  David SchlunkeOther notable official portraits within the University Art Collection include a Brian James Dunlop of Peter Hastie, BDS (Syd), FRACDS, FICD, Chairman of the Interim Council of Riverina CAE, 1969 - 1972, Chairman of the Council of Riverina CAE, 1972 - 1982, and a very impressive (187.4cm high) David Schlunke portrait of J.S. Hagan, BA, DipEd (Syd), PhD(ANU), of the Council of Riverina-Murray Institute of Higher Education (RMIHE), 1982 - 1989 and Deputy Chancellor of Charles Sturt University, 1992 - 1999, which depicts Professor Hagan in an expanse of coastal rain forest in the Australian bush.

The Hagan portrait hangs in James Hagan Court on the Wagga Wagga Campus.

Portrait of J.S. Hagan by David Schlunke